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Photo on 2013-02-18 at 13.43.jpg

Liberties Psychotherapy

Ivana Milivojevic Slote, Ph.D.
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist

Dr Ivana M.Slote

Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist

Ivana welcomes clients who experience anxiety and panic attacks, stress, depression, loneliness, relationship and family issues, identity and sexual identity crises, addiction, or who suffer from the consequences of abuse, eating disorders, OCD, phobias, low self-esteem… but also those who have everyday life problems, small or large.


She holds a Master of Arts degree in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (1 st class honours) and Higher Diploma in Psychotherapy Studies (1 st class honours). She has also been long-term involved in various forms of continual professional development through APPI and ICP.

It was her love for literature and her Ph.D. research in James Joyce studies that inspired her further interest into ‘talking therapy’, i.e. the healing effects of our unique lives being spoken about without censorship and listened to without judgement.

Professional Memberships / Accreditations:
Irish Council for Psychotherapy (ICP)
Association for Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy in Ireland (APPI)


Meet Amelia
Why Naturopathy

The Practice


The Practice

Making your first appointment

You can call or e-mail Liberties Psychotherapy to make your first appointment for either in-person or online session. GP referrals are welcome, but you can also make an appointment directly. From the moment you get in touch, everything you say is absolutely confidential.


Sessions are usually arranged on weekly basis and last up to 50min. 

Psychoanalytic therapy does not only treat your symptoms, but also thoroughly questions their origins and that is why the consistency and commitment to therapy are essentially important.

In the course of sessions, you will have an opportunity to welcome any thought that comes in your mind and speak about it without censorship.



Liberties Psychotherapy fees are competitive and on a sliding scale, taking into consideration individual client's financial welfare. 

Cancellation policy


Missed sessions and late cancellations are fully or partially payable, depending on circumstances.

Otherwise, a minimum of one week's notice is required in order to cancel your session.

Psychoanalytic Approach



Psychoanalytic Therapy helps you to deal with Anxiety, Stress, Loneliness, Relationship and Family Issues, Depression, Addiction, Identity Crisis, Abuse, Panic Attacks, Eating Disorders, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Phobias, Post Traumatic Stress, Low Self Esteem...


The role of your psychotherapist is to listen and help you see why your problems affect you in the ways they do, since behind a so-called symptom there is always a different, very particular story for everyone, with its elements sometimes connected in unexpected ways, from early childhood on. 

Viewing these interconnected parts of our lives from different perspectives often makes something inside us “shift” and begins a transformation in how we perceive and experience ourselves and others.  Once that moment is recognised, a profound change towards better life – through the understanding of our deeper conflicts, motivations and impulses – can start.

The central question in psychoanalysis is therefore a ‘why’ question: why has this specific symptom appeared, and, more importantly, why these underlying, seemingly contradictory drives and hard-to-control desires were there to begin with? 

These questions are not easy to answer, in spite of our efforts to articulate, analyse and rationalise the patterns of our thoughts, feelings and behaviours. Therefore the fundamental principle of psychoanalytic therapy is in free associations – in the stream of thoughts/narratives/words that come into one’s mind even when they seem nonsensical, irrelevant, illogical or even embarrassing. 

This ‘going with the flow’ in a psychoanalytic setting, regardless of what we initially ‘meant to say,’ already has in itself something liberating for the person who speaks,

but, no less importantly, it enables a trained psychotherapist to listen also to what is spoken between the lines and to hear what is unspeakable in a direct way. The role of the psychotherapist is then to create further questions and interpretations through which the analysed person becomes able to find a much more comfortable position in his/her own and unique story and life.

Psychoanalytic approach
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Contact Info


087 7479780

Hanover Street West, Dublin 8

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